Latest from Mark

The Full Course
Step 1 Setting Up Your Studio
Step 2 Choosing Your Subject
Step 3 Preparing Your Canvas
Step 4 Beginning to Pencil
Step 5 Finishing Your Drawing
Step 6 Beginning to Mix Colors
Step 7 Finishing Your Color Groups
Step 8 Painting Your First Object
Step 9 Finishing Your Painting
Step 10 Going Forward
Q&A Show Episodes
How NOT to Use White Paint & more
My Favorite Realism & more
Tour of My Painting Studio & more
Dark Studios, Projectors & more
The Myth of Natural Talent & more
Rules of Composition & more
Drawing Key Points & more
The Secret to Drawing Well & more
New Proportional Divider & more
Value Misconceptions & more
New Color Checker & more
Alla Prima Brushwork Demo & more
The Artist's Curse & more
Painting Ugly & more
The Zorn Limited Palette & more
Upcoming Video News & more
Making a Living as an Artist & more
4 Qualities of Good Realism & more
Painting Details and Values & more
Downloadable Videos
How to Paint Realism $100
Painting Landscapes $100
Painting Portraits $100
All My Free Videos
how to draw in proportion 10 minutes
how to mix colors 29 minutes
how to paint in oil 17 minutes
Oil Painting Q&A Show 19 episodes
maintaining abstraction demo 43 minutes
love what you paint 8 minutes
poodle portrait demo 13 minutes
choosing your painting method 8 minutes
setting up a still life 17 minutes
proportional divider basics 6 minutes
making a proportional divider 10 minutes
how to photograph your painting 8 minutes
how to photograph with cellphone 6 minutes
landscape photography for artists 12 minutes
easiest way to ship a painting 4 minutes
color checker basics 6 minutes
making a color checker 15 minutes
history of color checking in oils 5 minutes
how to mix ANY color with paint 33 minutes
number one mistake artists make 12 minutes
choosing color groups 8 minutes
ultimate color wheel for artists 11 minutes
color is relative 7 minutes
natural color vs oversaturated 7 minutes
taking care of paintbrushes11 minutes
benefits of limited palettes 22 minutes
how I organize my palette 3 minutes
how to not waste oil paint 6 minutes
reasons NOT to blend 13 minutes
paint your masterpiece 4 minutes
what is artists' oil color? 15 minutes
toxicity of artist oil color 18 minutes
the limitations of oil paint 9 minutes
which white oil paint is best 19 minutes
understanding shadow colors 3 minutes
protecting shadow colors 3 minutes
how to mix great flesh tones 15 minutes
optical illusion artist face 7 minutes
most common value mistake 7 minutes
painting surface texture 7 minutes
why I paint with dirty brushes 1 minute
good brush habits 11 minute
oiling out your painting 15 minutes
gloss varnish vs matte varnish 2 minutes
varnishing a painting 4 minutes
setting up an artists' studio 5 minutes
making an artists' easel 21 minutes
geneva studio easel 5 minutes
do not lean your easel back 5 minutes
making a paintbrush holder 4 minutes
thinning oil paint with medium 9 minutes
making a shadow box 19 minutes
making a photograph holder 8 minutes
sizing prints to paint from 15 minutes
stretching a canvas 12 minutes
staining a canvas 7 minutes
geneva neutral canvas stain 5 minutes
making glass palettes 8 minutes
geneva studio palette 5 minutes
making a palette table 16 minutes
lessons from a workshop 15 minutes
a little bit about myself 8 minutes
scenes & paintings from a class 2 minutes
oil painting demo of horse head 18 minutes
I paint three peaches 36 minutes
I paint two pears 35 minutes
oil painting demo of jar of oil 1 25 minutes
oil painting demo of jar of oil 2 39 minutes
qualities in realism Karen Offutt 10 minutes
oil painting demo of silver39 minutes
emily paints two doors 31 minutes
hill country landscape demo 35 minutes
landscape demonstration 37 minutes
landscape from imagination 37 minutes